诚邀您参加第11届亚澳复合材料会议(2018年7月29日 澳大利亚)
2018-03-06  来源:中国聚合物网

11th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-11)

(http://accm11.org/ )

  The ACCM conference series is the second largest conference on composites and is expected to attract over 500 delegates including leaders in composite materials in the Plenary and Keynote addresses. They will exchange topical and timely knowledge from academia and industry research challenges theme in Composite Materials, Composite Manufacturing, Structure and Design, Applications.

Venue:  Cairns (凯恩斯) ● 世界文化遗产: 大堡礁最美珊瑚  ● 世界文化遗产: 最原始热带雨林  ● 至今保留的史前澳洲土著文化   ● 参会者评选出的“最佳会议地”

Important Dates (重要日期)

Abstract submission: 31 March 2018 ,

Notification of acceptance: 15 April

Early Bird Registration: 30 April (AU$700 (student $500)+10%GST)

Regular Registration: 28 July (AU$800 (student $550) +10%GST)

On-site Registration: from 29 July (AU$900 (student $600) +10%GST)

Contact us

E-mail: Hao.Wang@usq.edu.au; Pingan.Song@usq.edu.au


> ACCM-11 <



